My Interests Page

This Page Updated July 8, 1999

Mark & Brian

Mark & Brian are hosts of their own morning radio show originating from Los Angeles Radio station KLOS 95.5 FM. I used to participate regularly on their America Online bulletin board and was referred to, by them, as their official AOL Rocket Scientist. I've been on the show a few times, mostly by phone, and once in the studio when they were doing experiments on a can of Cheeze Whiz in a trash can in an attempt to make HorsD'Oeurvers. You can visit their new official web page located within the KLOS web page, or for more and better information, visit the listener supported web page called the Electronic Fun Zone, maintained by listener Paul. Paul's Electronic Fun Zone is so well maintained, you will find everything you might be interested in relating to Mark & Brian, including many other related links.

Mike Oldfield

By far my favorite musician, for the last 24 some-odd years, has been and continues to be Mike Oldfield. He is probably most famous for his first recording, "Tubular Bells". The opening of Tubular Bells was used as the theme for the movie "The Exorcist". Since then (over 24 years ago), Mike has made many more albums. He doesn't tour very much to perform live, because his strength is in composing, producing, and performing music in the studio. Some have compared him to Brian Eno, and though the type of music may be similar, Mike Oldfield's style is very unique. In general, Mike is an accomplished guitarist, but can play most any musical instrument.

One of his original ideas in music is to use the human voice as an instrument, but not a vocal instrument singing words. Rather than singing lyrics, his vocalists sing sounds. Mike also has no fear in mixing different cultural music styles into his own, such as African drummers and vocal rhythms with Gallic bagpipe rhythms as demonstrated in his second album Omadawn. Mike has also revived many English, Irish, and Scottish folk tunes as well as created some of his own. In fact, recently he has released an album called "The Women of Ireland" which is reminiscent of some new Irish bands like Clanad.

The piece of music you are now listening to is by Mike Oldfield. It's the opening to his album Tubular Bells III.

If you are interested in learning more about Mike Oldfield, please visit "The Bell", one of the better web pages devoted to his music. If you are looking for MIDI files of his music, the best is located at the "Mike Oldfield MIDI page". Be sure to also check out Mike's sister, Sally Oldfield's, music. She is also an accomplished musician as well as a stunning vocalist. Sally even has a musical tribute to Tolkein's "The Lord of the Rings" which can't be missed.

Star Trek

Yes, I too love Star Trek. I was there the Friday evening on September the 8th when Star Trek first hit the airwaves on NBC, showing the episode called "The Man Trap". (By the way, Mark & Brian first hit the LA area airwaves on September the 8th too.) Thirty-plus years later, Star Trek is still going strong.

The official Star Trek website was hosted by the Microsoft Network, so I wouldn't include the link here as to maintain my "Microsoft Free" web pages, however they are now hosted by IBM so now you can find anything about Star Trek on the Star Trek web page.

Disney and Disneyland


Disney & Disneyland

I am also a big BIG Disney fan. I collect many Disney items and regularly attend Disneyland.

This page's Music selection is : Magellan by Mike Oldfield.
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